Wednesday, September 8, 2010

There are at least 10...

Recently my boyfriend and I were killing time before my sisters' volleyball game. We ended up at Borders (or Barnes and Noble dont remember which). Of course he headed straight for the extreme sports books and urban art section. I went to the craft section, browsed through a couple books realized that I learn better by doing then by reading. So then I went to the photography section. I found a little book full of IPhone pictures. I was surprised and the quality of pictures not nessisarly the pixal qualities but actuallly how the pictures look. They were pretty good and very neat. Every few pages the arthur would write a little something one thing in particular caught my eye. It said "There are at least ten great pictures waiting to be taken within ten meters of where you are standing right now." The first thing I did was of course look around and see what ten pictures I could be taking right that second. Well this quote ran through my head for days and then I decided to do something about it. A personal challenge you might call it. To take at least one interesting different picture with either my phone(not good quality), my point and shoot (not the greatest quality) or my cannon (great quality). And then to blog a little about why that photo(s) was taken, how it describes my day ect.
{this is a picture from the book I was just quoting yes it was taken from my phone}

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