Thursday, February 17, 2011

From Mom

( I know I said yesterday would be my last post on the Brien project until next year but my mom asked me to post this and you just cant say no to that.)
 I am so thankful to all of our family and friends that were able to attend the Ghetto Fire in the memory of Brien, Curtis and Katie. It really is so comforting to know that so many people think of Brien and that these three amazing teens have touched the lives of so many people. I cannot express enough, as Brien's mom, how much it warms my heart to know that Brien has not been forgotten. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping Brien the heart of the game!!!

Happy Heavenly Birthday to my son Brien, who is celebrating his 10th birthday with Jesus today in Heaven. I miss you & love you so very much, Brien. You will be in my heart forever. I am so thankful to Jesus for teaching me through the years to hold on to Him. Without Jesus this day would be sad and depressing. But today I celebrate Brien's life and I am thankful for the 14 years I had with him on this earth. I am thankful that he is in the arms of Jesus.

"Peace is not the absence of crisis but the presence of Christ"

In Christ there is peace!!!

If you are sad today then reach out and hold on to Jesus. He will give you that deep peace and rest. He will give you that peace that no one can understand. A peace that only Jesus can give.

Through these past 10 years Jesus has taught me so much and I would like to share a few quotes and scriptures that helped me through the rough times. I hope you too can find the peace of Christ.

Deuteronomy 32:4 - He is the Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.

"Life will never look fair. But when we trust God, we always know that He is faithful" ~~Dave Branon~~

"I have been through the valley of weeping, the valley of sorrow and pain; But the God of all comfort was with me, at hand to uphold and sustain" ~~Anonymous~~

Genesis 50:20 - You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.

"Sometimes it's hard to trust the Lord when you don't understand. But fight the urge to run from Him ~ Reach out and take His hand" ~~Sper~~

Psalms 34:19 - The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.

Lamentations 3:22 - Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

"When our hearts hurt because of loss, we can find hope in our Lord, who never changes" ~~David C McCasland

"Grief is messy. All of us grieve at one time or another, including those of us who are Christ followers. For the believer, however, there is something beyond tears, pain and loss. There is HOPE."

My prayer for each of you is that you can find that peace that only Christ can give. I pray that you will not be sad and depressed but that you will be celebrating along with Brien that he is in heaven with our Lord. I pray that you will take hold of Jesus hand and never let go. I pray that you will walk daily with Christ and live in His peace.

Let's all rejoice and be glad. Brien loves to laugh and smile so let's laugh and smile with him. I know one day I will once again see my son and believe me I will hold him tight. I pray that you too will have that assurance of seeing Brien again in Heaven and living forever with Jesus.

In the arms of Jesus and forever in our hearts.

Also I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Karen, Brandon's mom, who is celebrating her birthday in heaven with her mom and knowing Brien I am sure he is in on the party too. So happy 50th Karen. You are loved and missed greatly.

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